October 11, 2011

Cloth Diapering

I just wanted to briefly share why I loved, loved, loved cloth diapers.
The expense up front was more than a package of diapers, but over time I was able to save money. (Now just waiting for the bum genius training pants to come out, so I can quit buying pull ups, as I am not to happy with the gerber training pants system.) I also new that there were absolutely no chemicals going onto my baby's bottom, as I used special detergent for the diapers, and I know that they were designed by a mom for her baby, and they don't contain any bad chemicals. In the sense of the earth I was not contrubiting as much to the disposable diaper phenomenon over taking the landfills. The fun part was in the summer Thaddeus looked cute in his cloth diapers instead of the disposable.

1 comment:

Cottage Mommy said...

Hi Michelle! I' m so excited that you are making those blessing bags with your Sunday school kids! You have a great start and it really is just your personal decision what you put in the bags. Here are some other ideas:

Bottled water
Can of something like chef boyar dee with a lid they can open themselves
Granola bars
Plastic utensils
Hand sanitizer
Something sweet
Fruit cups
Our Union Gospel Mission prints little cards of their services and locations and such and we picked up a big stack and put one in each bag
Bus tickets
Socks is a good one...I got great socks at Costco for only about $1 and change per sock.

Hope this helps!
