I love my sun porch. I can sit on the couch that we have out here, with my laptop and just people watch like I love to do.
I have heard a lot from different people the comment "Rochester's Finest". When they are saying this they are referring to the "undesirables" in Rochester. Yeah some of the people you wonder why they make the choices that they make to live in poverty, mooch off the system, etc. But I also know from experience growing up, my mom was on welfare and stayed at home until my brother and I were old enough to be by ourselves. The system was different then and there were a lot less single mom's. But why I am writing this is I think that people choose to only see the visible. They don't see the single mom who thought she was going to have a partner to help raise the kids, but he turned out to not want to live up to his responsibilities, so now she has to do what she can to be the bread winner, and care taker. A roll that was never meant to be done by one person. They don't see the Teenager who was able to walk away from a home life of physical, emotional, drug and alcohol abuse, who is supporting himself like a grown working adult and still going to high school so he can go to college, and have a better life for himself.
I guess I just wish that people weren't so judgemental, so not my problem and be willing to extend a hand to help, maybe not financially, but offer to take that single mom's kids to the park for an hour or two so she can have a couple of hours to her self to either take a nap, go grocery shopping with no kids, go to the doctors, etc. Offer to that young teenager some tutorial help, or be a mentor to help stay on the right track and not end up on the same path his parents are on.
I think we should all be stepping up in our communities to be the role models that these young kids need if they don't have them at home instead of celebrities. Especially when the current role models are teaching it is ok to cheat on your significant other, there are no consequences, its ok to spend all your money on designer clothes, purses, etc before you take care of your bills.
I get picked on because I refuse to watch Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie movies. Yes he is an amazing actor, but I am not going to financially support someone that a child is going to look up to and think he is so cool. If they are going to look up to someone I want it to be someone like Michael J Fox, who I don't care if he doesn't take his meds to show people what his disease is like, he still is doing something positive with what God has given him. He is still faithfully married to the same woman that he married many years ago. Tom Hanks is another awesome example of someone that I think is a good example. But because they are actually good examples you don't see them in the news because thye have no scandals or skeletons in there closet. To bad the media thinks that what is news worthy is only the negative.
Sorry for rambling just felt a need to share.
Oh pleese keep praying for healing for my wrist, I find that somethings I can do with no pain and other things that you wouldn't think would hurt feel just like it did when I first broke it. The doctor did tell me that it is possible that it didn't heal.