I think that the soldier holding up his fist is Jeremy.
The batallion he is in at Basic in Fort Jackson, SC has a facebook page that allows for the parents and spouses to be able to communicate with each other about their soldier and it is a way for the Batallion to communicate with us.
Today I was able to talk to him for about a half hour, and it would have been longer, but I was driving, and I told him he needed to call him mom. The reason for the call and the length of time was because they had a soldier die this week or today not to sure on that part from the Swine Flu. The soldiers were given time to call their families to let them know that they were ok. Haven't looked online to see if there was any news about it, and didn't really watch the news today to see after the call, but they figured it might be on the news.
Thaddeus and I are doing great! He is "talking" up a storm, and scooting himself around in circles when he is laying on his back, he can roll over from his tummy to his back, but rarely does it and is almost able to do so from his back. I need to go and get him a Johnny Jump up as he loves to bounce in my lap.
well there is a quick update...I know I have been very bad in blogging lately!
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