July 12, 2010

A quick update on Thaddeus

Well Thaddeus is now 14 months old.
In that 14 Months he has flow across the country twice, and to Baltimore and back to Boston once. He has been to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. He has been to Boston, Portland, ME, Baltimore, MD, and Seattle. With a few smaller towns in between.

He is walking, although when tired he still walks like a very wobbly drunk man.

He can throw a major temper tantrum when he doesn't get what he wants.

He can say duck, daddy, Thaddeus, please (tzz) and do his version of sign language for it, and with sign language he can say more. He quacks like a duck, roars like a lion and hisses like a snake.

He has graduated to the hard sippy cups and drinks from a straw like a pro. We have ventured into letting him drink out of a water bottle with no help, and he does pretty well. Still eats with his hands but is starting to get the hang of it.

Well that is all for now.

June 04, 2010

Thaddeus is walking!

Here is a video of Thaddeus taking more than the 3 steps and falling down.

May 27, 2010

It has been awhile....

Well since it has been awhile since I have posted anything, I thought I would post a couple of pictures from Thaddeus' birthday, his first hair cut, and a photo or two from his 1 year picture session. :0)This was after a couple of bites with his hands.
Oops these are backwards. :0)...Showing some of his hair that got cut to daddy.

The way his hair laid, I got a couple of comments that he looked like Hitler...Part of why we decided to get his hairs cut.

He made it a little hard for the photographer to take his picture. He wanted to do what he wanted to do for the pictures. Resulting in a couple where you could see the carpet instead of the whole background. :0)

Well hope everyone is doing well. I will continue to try to keep a little more up to date on my blog.

April 15, 2010

I am still around

I have not felt like blogging in a long time. I know I should get back to it, and actually have a few things to blog about. I guess I will once Thaddeus, Jeremy and I get settled into our routine back home.

I know I need to get into the habit, so come this fall when Jeremy deploys to the middle east, he can go on here and read about things going on at home when he isn't able to call.

Until the next time I actually blog instead of read blogs.


January 20, 2010

Crazy Hair

I think about posting, I just don't always have the energy to put all my thoughts to words. Well here is a picture, and maybe in a few days I will write about Jeremy's time home on leave.

This is a picture of Thaddeus after a bath with his crazy hair.