April 11, 2009
Thaddeus Update
Why do hospitals advertise the birthing rooms as being extremely comfortable, when the beds are absolutely not comfortable at all? Thursday I went in for my bi-weekly NST. Thaddeus had a significant drop in his heart rate, and then it rose really quickly, and I guess I was having some contractions, so they sent me up to Labor and Delivery to be hooked up to the NST machine there, and decided to keep me overnight to make sure Thaddeus was ok. They aren't to sure what caused the dip and rise in his heart rate, but said I could go home. Dr. Mirabello called and talked with the doctors up in Portland, ME, and I am safe to be home for the weekend. He is concerned about my eyes. The report from 2 weeks ago said that I had proliferative retinopathy and then report from my exam on Thursday said that there was no change and that it was not the proliferative retinopathy. Thank you Jesus!! People have been praying and I believe that God did some work on my eyes. Dr. Mirabello wants to talk to Dr. Goldblatt, and then the doctors up at Maine Medical to see what needs to be done. Frisbee is a small town hospital that is not equiped to handle a very small premie, so if I were to go into labor right now they would have to transport Thaddeus up to Maine Med where they have the NICU. Dr. Mirabello also made a slight reference to me possibly being put into the hospital for the rest of the pregnancy. Dr. MacVittie when I asked her about how early of birth would Frisbee be able to have me deliver there said 37 weeks, normally it would be 36 weeks, but she said that due to my being a diabetic that the lungs on Thaddeus are probably under developed. So please keep praying for Thaddeus to continue to grow and develop as he should be. They are also amazed that I have carried this far along with no complications for Thaddeus and only the couple that I do have, considering my diabetes was not in control when I got pregnant. She said that usually a diabetic where I was out is lucky to carry to 28 weeks, I have made it to 33 weeks so far. Again God is truelly an awesome God.
April 07, 2009
Delivery date update
Yesterday I went for my weekly ultrasound, and NST. When I saw Dr. MacVittie I was told that due to the issues with my eyes, and I believe some other things, Dr. Pinet up at Maine Medical wants me to have a C-Section at 39 weeks. That is all I know for now, but I will be finding out more at Thursdays appointment. I have to do another round of lab work, including a 24 hour urine test. I believe that Dr. Pinet wants me to have that done every couple of weeks to monitor my kidneys and such. But aside from all that Thaddeus appears to be on target with where he is supposed to be.
A kinda belly picture for those who have been asking :)
Well on Saturday I thought I was just going to go out to lunch with Jeremy's mom, and Aunt. We did that, then his mom had his Aunt drive around, missing where she would need to turn every time to get me home. Well the reason was she was trying to throw me off, (which she did, and wouldn't have had to do so elaborately) We ended up at Jeremy's best friend's home. Janice, Tom's wife had been planning for awhile a surprise baby shower for me. I had a wonderful time, and got many great gifts, both store bought and home made ( Love the diaper bag that Tom's mom made).
The Inside of the diaper bag.

Jeremy's mom made a really cute Clifford quilt.

Jeremy's mom made a really cute Clifford quilt.
The funny thing about all this is the fact that the night before I was telling Jeremy if I were to go into labor the next day we were in no way prepared to have a baby. He told me not to worry, he is pretty good at keeping a secret! We are now rudamentally prepared if Thaddeus decided to join the world earlier than he is expected. We have a carseat, stroller, size 1 diapers, wipes, bath stuff, blankets, and clothes! So we can atleast get him home from the hospital when the time comes.
April 01, 2009
A few updates
She is in the clear for 6 months on the cancer. Was told that it has a 10% chance to grow back, and for the next 5 years will go in every 6 months for testing.
I had my first NST for the week and my weekly biophysical exam this past Monday. He is very active, and not one to like having everything on him looked at through ultrasound. He is according to the doctor measuring out perfectly for how far along I am. He weighed giver or take 10 oz 4.6 lbs, and I am 31 weeks. Yeah!!
Being pregnant is definately taking its toll on parts of my body. Dr. MacVittie had blood work done, and my kidneys are doing ok, but the elevated proteins is normal for me so she is not to worried yet. My eyes are taking the worst of the strain on my body. I knew before I got pregnant that I had retinopathy, but had been told that it was mild, and if I got diligent about taking care of my diabetes it should not get worse, well getting pregnant exacerbated it. It is now moderate to severe. In my left eye I have proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR).
( This is taken from the pamphlet that the eye doctor gave to me to understand what is going on in my eyes) PDR is present when abnormal new vessels (neovascularization) begin growing on the surface of the retina or optic nerve. The main cause of PDR is widespread closure of retinal blood vessels, preventing adequate blood flow. The retina responds by growing new blood vessels in an attempt to supply blood to the are where the original vessels closed.
Unfortunately, the new abnormal blood vessels do not resupply the retina with normal blood flow. The new vessels are often accompanied by scar tissue that may cause wrinkling or detachment of the retina.
Dr. Goldblatt explained that right now it is not affecting my vision, my left eye they are able to correct to 20/15. But it can get worse. I see him again on Tuesday, so he can monitor how bad it is getting. The treatment for it is laser surgery, but he wants to do that when it is absolutely necessary as in my left I will loose my night and peripheral vision. The laser surgery will burn all the new blood cells, and leave little burn marks on my retina.
In my right eye I have the NPDR. (again taken from the pamphlet) NPDR, commonly known as background retinopathy, is an early stage of diabetic retinopathy. In this stage, tiny blood vessels within the retina leak blood or fluid. The leaking fluid causes the retina to swell or to form deposits called exudates. Many people with diabetes have mild NPDR, which usually does not affect their vision. When vision is affected it is the result of macular edema and/or macular ischemia.
(I have the macular edema) Macular edema is swelling or thickening of the macula, a small area in the center of the retina that allows us to see fine details clearly. The swelling is caused by fluid leaking from retinal blood vessels. It is the most common cause of visual loss in diabetes. Vision loss may be mild to severe, but even in the worst cases, peripheral vision continues to function.
Dr. Goldblatt, said the way to correct this will also be with laser at a lower setting than what would be used to correct the left eye. He knows of no side effects from it, but my eye sight in the right eye will not improve. They were only able to correct it to 20/30 in the right eye and that was still quite blurry.
So if you would please pray that my eyes will not get any worse, and that God would even heal the damage done to them already, and to continue to pray for my mom, and for the health of Thaddeus, that he will be born healthy and with no complications.
PDR may cause more severe vision loss than NPDR (nonproliferative diabetid retinopathy) because it can affect both central and peripheral vision.
She is in the clear for 6 months on the cancer. Was told that it has a 10% chance to grow back, and for the next 5 years will go in every 6 months for testing.
I had my first NST for the week and my weekly biophysical exam this past Monday. He is very active, and not one to like having everything on him looked at through ultrasound. He is according to the doctor measuring out perfectly for how far along I am. He weighed giver or take 10 oz 4.6 lbs, and I am 31 weeks. Yeah!!
Being pregnant is definately taking its toll on parts of my body. Dr. MacVittie had blood work done, and my kidneys are doing ok, but the elevated proteins is normal for me so she is not to worried yet. My eyes are taking the worst of the strain on my body. I knew before I got pregnant that I had retinopathy, but had been told that it was mild, and if I got diligent about taking care of my diabetes it should not get worse, well getting pregnant exacerbated it. It is now moderate to severe. In my left eye I have proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR).
( This is taken from the pamphlet that the eye doctor gave to me to understand what is going on in my eyes) PDR is present when abnormal new vessels (neovascularization) begin growing on the surface of the retina or optic nerve. The main cause of PDR is widespread closure of retinal blood vessels, preventing adequate blood flow. The retina responds by growing new blood vessels in an attempt to supply blood to the are where the original vessels closed.
Unfortunately, the new abnormal blood vessels do not resupply the retina with normal blood flow. The new vessels are often accompanied by scar tissue that may cause wrinkling or detachment of the retina.
Dr. Goldblatt explained that right now it is not affecting my vision, my left eye they are able to correct to 20/15. But it can get worse. I see him again on Tuesday, so he can monitor how bad it is getting. The treatment for it is laser surgery, but he wants to do that when it is absolutely necessary as in my left I will loose my night and peripheral vision. The laser surgery will burn all the new blood cells, and leave little burn marks on my retina.
In my right eye I have the NPDR. (again taken from the pamphlet) NPDR, commonly known as background retinopathy, is an early stage of diabetic retinopathy. In this stage, tiny blood vessels within the retina leak blood or fluid. The leaking fluid causes the retina to swell or to form deposits called exudates. Many people with diabetes have mild NPDR, which usually does not affect their vision. When vision is affected it is the result of macular edema and/or macular ischemia.
(I have the macular edema) Macular edema is swelling or thickening of the macula, a small area in the center of the retina that allows us to see fine details clearly. The swelling is caused by fluid leaking from retinal blood vessels. It is the most common cause of visual loss in diabetes. Vision loss may be mild to severe, but even in the worst cases, peripheral vision continues to function.
Dr. Goldblatt, said the way to correct this will also be with laser at a lower setting than what would be used to correct the left eye. He knows of no side effects from it, but my eye sight in the right eye will not improve. They were only able to correct it to 20/30 in the right eye and that was still quite blurry.
So if you would please pray that my eyes will not get any worse, and that God would even heal the damage done to them already, and to continue to pray for my mom, and for the health of Thaddeus, that he will be born healthy and with no complications.
PDR may cause more severe vision loss than NPDR (nonproliferative diabetid retinopathy) because it can affect both central and peripheral vision.
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